There’s a little black spot on the sun today...

Ah I can hear the Police sing: “There’s a little black spot on the sun today…” This past week’s solar flares caused major headaches literally and figuratively. As above, so below, there have been many eruptions on our planet resulting in clearings and healings of much emotional, stagnant, low vibrational energy.

I happened to attend a healing circle during the height of the flares. What transpired is that the individual hosting the event was usurped by someone immersed in ego consciousness; the irony of it all was that it was another healer. The egotistical healer was so much so immersed, that her ego believed there is a wrong and a right way to channel Divine Love. At any rate, I remained the observer not judging, just aware.

At the end of the event, the one immersed in ego, confronted me to ask why I was breathing the way I was (using Shamanistic breath), since I would tire myself out. I received the message from Spirit, do not engage her, simply send her light and love and explain to her who you were channeling. I told her that I, as the others were communing with Archangel Rafael, the master healer. She politely walked away. When most of the healers had gone, I stayed behind with the host of the event and a friend who owns the center. We cleared the space and went to our cars to travel home.

On my way home, I felt unusual and was on the car phone with my husband. I began mentioning to him that an individual at the healing circle’s energy had disturbed me and that it felt quite dark. As I uttered the words, my right mirror window shattered. I was in the center lane and there were not cars to my right or left. I etherically, saw a gray, dark figure, of immense low vibrational energy. I called in for extra protection and knew I had to send this being to the light. It was quite disturbing, as I realized I had been psychically attacked. The negativity had hit the glass instead of me.

Upon arriving home now quite aggravated, I began clearing the negative energy. I saw it transmute and fight the transmutation into the light and turn into butterflies. It was bound and chained by Archangel Michael. Beloved Archangel Michael told me in the general scheme of things, that what was damaged was not me, but an object that could be repaired.

We each had a role to play and played it well. I trust we were given the opportunity to become better healers because of it.

I was furious and disgusted that here I innocently believed that this would be an ego free night of healers. This was Pollyanna’s wake up call. Hello, not all light workers are ready and willing to be goodness and light. They have their own crap to clear. Yeah, just what I needed to hear, what I already knew. I spoke with a few of my healer friends and my teacher who believed I had no business being there and yet I was. So I asked Spirit what is the purpose of this?

Lessons remembered

Two worlds hadn’t collided Spirit World vs. Physical Earth Plane Round 1. They were always ONE. Stop making believe that I can separate the two as only ONE world exists. What happens in Spirit will eventually manifest in the physical.

In the vernacular of the day, I had to stop acting like a muggle. Yes, I am quoting Harry Potter, but it works. I’ve always been a light worker since I can remember. However, it was something that I did as a life work or public service not a career. I was creating an imbalanced energy exchange right off the bat and didn’t know it! A career was something that I received some enjoyment from but was mainly to support myself financially.

Since I have been out of the proverbial broom closet and made Light Workering my full time gig, as well as my career, my Light has attracted many entities that are stuck and are trying to go home or return to Source. Since many of these beings do not have the vocabulary or the ability to exercise Social Spiritual Graces 101 and may or may not be from polite spiritual society (Oh won’t you be a dear and take me to the Light? I seem to have lost my way home.), they can act out seemingly violently to get their desperate point across. They are ashamed and feel unworthy of coming home and that they are separate from Divinity and do not deserve to be in its presence.

They are all really saying that I AM lost, I AM in need of help, I AM in need of the Light, I have lost my I AM presence and you’re the only light bulb in the room so help me. Oh, and by the way, I may try to bite you on the way home. Is that OK? NO IT’S NOT!

So one of my teachers reminded me the following:

Spirit / High Self no one under any circumstances can take from me or do anything to me consciously or unconsciously unless they have my conscious permission.

I AM a Light worker and part of my job is to aid in the planetary ascension as well as my own. Go to the Light, don’t pass go, do not collect $200, go straight into the LIGHT!