September 27, 2015 Supermoon/Blood Moon and Total Solar Eclipse Next one in 18 years in 2033

Dear Master Manifesters,

This year's Harvest Moon coincides with a Supermoon and a Total Lunar eclipse also known as a Blood Moon.  Lunar Eclipses are quite rare and from the years 2014 to 2015 there has been a series of four-a Tetrad coinciding with the Jewish calendar foreboding some sort of transformation. Sunday’s Blood Moon is the final in a tetrad and won’t occur for another 18 years until 2033.  

blood moon tetrad 2014 2015

So what does this all mean? Let’s break it down.

1-September’s Havest Supermoon

A Supermoon only occurs during a full moon and when a full moon is very close to the Earth or in perigee, in fact it is 14% closer, but appears to be 90% closer. 

Why September’s moon is called a Harvest Moon?

It was the time of the harvest in the Northern Hemisphere.

Where will this be visible?

As per Bruce McClure, the total lunar eclipse is visible from the most of North America and all of South America after sunset September 27. From eastern South America and Greenland, the greatest eclipse happens around midnight September 27-28. In Europe, Africa and the Middle East, the total eclipse takes place in the wee hours of the morning, after midnight and before sunrise September 28.  It will be visible to those in the USA on the Eastern coast so, yes finally New Yorkers will be able to see the spectacle!



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2-Total Lunar Eclipse or Umbral Eclipse

There are two types of lunar eclipses: umbra, and penumbra referring to the location of the moon with respect to its location within the Earth’s shadow. Penumbral indicates that the moon passes within the outer shadow of the Earth and umbra refers to its passing within the center or darkest part as depicted above in the image by Fred Espinak.

3-Blood Moon in Total Lunar Eclipse

Total Lunar eclipses display a reddish color that the eclipsed Moon assumes during totality. This happens because of Rayleigh scattering, the same mechanism that causes colorful sunrises and sunsets.

Ascension Prophesies

This is the point where some of you are saying enough with the physics lesson, what is the real reason to bring you out of hibernation to blog again? Ok, I’ll come clean. Mercury officially went retrograde on 9/17/15, but its shadow was felt around 9/7/15 interfering with communications and transportation etc. I like to think of Mercury as a herald of slowing things down to ensure that you are sure about what you are about to say and where it is you want to go, it forces deep introspection.  

Next we have just entered the Autumn season as the Autumnal equinox was on 9/22/15, coinciding with the Pope Francis’ visit to the US meeting with congress and world leaders at the UN. During Pope Francis’s visit John Boehner, House Speaker, was brought to tear and later announces his resignation from Congress. What is really going on? Full disclosure, please!

With that being said, on 9/28/15 there are intense deep space gamma rays coming from the Galactic Core also referred to as the Event Horizon to recalibrate our DNA and to allow much needed gamma pulse light energy to trigger a shift in mass consciousness to liberate life on earth from a dense negative vibratory state or frequencies of discordance and initiate a global mass Ascension into 5D. It will be a profound shift, in energy, vibration and consciousness  that will herald a Golden Age. Ironically another name for ascension is harvesting and we are in the season of the Harvest Moon.

Those who are conscious minded and refer to themselves as Light Beings have been in 5D fifth density or dimension and beyond since at the very least, 2012 ask what’s the difference here. The significance of the 27th and 28th is that it is to be a Global Ascension of an estimated 2 billion earthlings, animal, vegetable and mineral; i.e. all life on Earth. Yes, that means that Fido and Fifi too. 

This does not mean that we will lose our bodies and ascend in a biblical ascension as Yeshua Ben Yosef aka Jesus or Mother Mary. We are the first beings to ascend in place in our physical bodies while being capable of experiencing the multidimensionality of the Divine Creator’s Matrix of Life in its totality while having a physical incarnation. We do not necessarily ascend all at once, it is a process. The key to ascension is self-love and unity. That means living in self-love while maintaining appropriate boundaries in unity consciousness.  Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within. We can have heaven on earth if we choose.

The lyrics from the song Greatest Love of all is inside of me, made famous by Whitney Houston come to mind. It was written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed. As per Wikipedia,” Linda Creed wrote those lyrics in the midst of her struggle with breast cancer. The words describe her feelings about coping with great challenges that one must face in life, being strong during those challenges whether you succeed or fail, and passing that strength on to children to carry with them into their adult lives.” They lyrics are beautiful indeed. 

For lyrics click here:

This has the Great Law of the Iroquois written all over it: “In every deliberation; we must consider the impact on the seventh generation... even if it requires having skin as thick as the bark of a pine."

Tsunami Of Love

The Tsunami of love that has been sent and continues to the planet by Divine Source, Mother Gaia, Mother Mary, Angelic and Ascended Hosts of Light and our galactic and extragalactic brothers and sisters etc. is reaching critical mass. Many will feel ungrounded or out of body, many will feel a wave of peace and or be guided to rest more. Do not be fooled it will not be without its challenges; new densities or dimensions new rules of engagement. This is all meant for us to deal with our “stuff”. For others who do not yet understand that we are to evolve to unity consciousness and that we are all ONE, it will be more a shit storm. Low vibrational energies of fear, hate, anger, separation will no longer be supported. We simply cannot continue to kill ourselves and our planet. No Mas! We all have a choice. It simply comes down to self-love. Once we vibrate with self-love we can no longer destroy or harm ourselves or others. Self-love creates self-respect and destruction, harm and fear are diametrically opposed to self-love.  For those who chose not to or are unable to ascend do not fear, they will eventually. We all eventually ascend it’s just a matter of lifetimes.

What will the world look like 18 years from now in 2033 during the next Blood Moon? I yearn for a more peaceful, evolved, sentient world.

Intentions For Unity and Self-Love

1-Grounding Prayer-we say this every day. “I ground in the now in planet Earth, at the highest point of the Divine Christ Consciousness Matrix that I can reach which contains my own unique essence in the now.

2-*Use I AM affirmations-I AM growing in self-love and unity consciousness each day with the assistance of my Divine essence and the Angelic and Ascended hosts of Light.

3-*Use Essence Affirmations at zero point that I was taught by Kishori Aird- I choose to be in unity with Essence even though I am human.

*The Mighty I AM Presence and Essence or your Divine Essence are one in the same.

Happy Manifesting!

Peace, Light, Love & Much Joy,

Infinite blessings!