Sourcing: In-Sourcing, Out-Sourcing, Re-Sourcing

Apparently, I have become a Geomagnetic Storm Reporter AKA Solar Flare Jewels. I think it’s hilarious that solar flares are measured in Joules and my name is Jewels; but I digress. Yet again, full moon and solar flares walk hand in hand. July’s full moon on the 3rd followed by the summer’s strongest solar flares yet on 7/6/12.

Relationships are being tested or ending, we are dying to our old ways and many are leaving the planet to return to Source. What no longer serves us is dying off. I personally am feeling a little wonky with the incoming energy. I feel as if my essence is not completely in my body. It’s as if it’s with Source or In-Source but not in my body.

We are always with Source and part of Source. I asked Spirit if this feeling was OK. I received the answer that I was integrating greater energies of Love or Source within my being. So yes, this is OK Star Child. It’s the Divine spark that animates us and gives Spirit physical form. Source- the God particle, God stuff or the Force (which physicists like Michio Kaku agree) is what binds the universe together.

Lessons Remembered

When we think we are out of Source (or out of sorts) it is merely an illusion. We are always In-Source or In-Sourcing. We need to integrate and find balance. This admittedly is not always easy. However it’s become easier.

It’s also Ok to feel as if your essence has returned to Source or that Source has it for safe keeping. We can remember how to return to Source and or the womb of Gaia at any moment. We don’t have to physically leave the planet to return to Source. This is an old way of thinking. It is part of the Ascension Process; living as an Ascended Master while in human form.

Return to Source & the Illusion of Separation

Remember that you are within and part of Source. You are already home! You have never left, that is just the Illusion of Separation. Just let the Divine energy emanate and resonate freely through you.

Think of yourself as a vibrating tuning fork. As the sound expands you are resonating to the frequency of the Divine. Imagine throwing a pebble in a pond and watch the ripples expand. The expansion is you, the expansion of Spirit.

Ask Spirit to balance your ego and take fear out of your way and to let you flow. You will be amazed! Once you stop blocking flow, You as I AM Presence, Infinite Radiant Love, will come flooding within and without your being. Then you are ONE with Source and have returned to Source.

We are as Dorothy wanting to go home. The good Witch Glinda revealed the secret to her of how to return home. Glinda reminded Dorothy, as I do you, You always had the power to go home;to Re-Source. In fact, you are your own Resource!

You just have to turn your focus inward to remember and you are home! 

With Peace, Light & Radiant Love,