Happy Thanksgiving 2014

Giving Thanks: An Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from Sacred Apothecary!

Thanksgiving is a time for us to give thanks and appreciate those in our lives: animal, vegetable, and or mineral who have improved us and made us who we are today. We may not be fortunate enough to have told those who have impacted our lives that they have meant the world to us, but do not fret. We are all connected in this divine, marvelous universe, whether we like it or not and whether we were not aware of it before reading this sentence. It is true. Merely setting the intention that we honor and thank them is enough.

Perhaps it is a former teacher who spent extra time helping you or a clerk at the checkout counter of a store, who made you smile and you carried it forward to others throughout the day or family members who has crossed over into the sprit realm or animal companions who are special to you. In the eyes of God, all of his creations are perfect and divine. Take a moment to send them light and love. Rest assured they will receive it.

Also be thankful for the material possessions you have and don’t worry about what you don’t have. The universe will support you in what you need. Use the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a topic for another newsletter entirely, so I digress.

May your blessings overflow!

Peace, Light, Radiant Love & Much Joy!

Sacred Apothecary