Spiritual Musings

The digital vortex seen above represents all that we are bombarded with in our daily lives that can sweep us away. This blog is an attempt for us to make sense of it all, in order not to let world energies overwhelm us. Sharing our thoughts and experiences with you hopefully offers some relatability to those on a spiritual path.

“Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” Hamilton Wright Mabie

“Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” Hamilton Wright Mabie

“Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” Hamilton Wright Mabie

It matters not if you celebrate Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, or all of these, or none of the above, the year-end celebrations bring us to completion.  The milk of human kindness overfloweth.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the crisp clean air, shorter days and longer nights beg us to look within and take notice of the changes around us. The Earth is taking a long winter’s nap and when the sun returns it harkens spring and all will awaken.

As the Southern Hemisphere prepares for the Summer Solstice and the days grow longer and nights grow shorter, the Earth changes are still experienced as the year draws to a close and another cycle completes heralding in the New Year. It is no coincidence that all of these celebrations fall at year’s end as a marker for the celebration of life and the ending of a cycle and the promise of a new year.

It matters not if Jesus was born in May or in August, instead of December and if the Wise Men found him when he was about 12 years old instead of a new born babe.  It’s the message that he brought to us all that is important. He was born of humble beginnings over 2,000 years ago and led an extraordinary life that impacts us still this day. The message is that Christ consciousness is obtainable for all and is our birthright.

Stilling the mind and looking inward revealing your inner Divinity, your Namaste, your I AM Presence. Your I AM Presence is the Christ consciousness within. Daily I AM affirmations elevate your vibration and open your heart chakra, unveiling your path to Mastery.  This sends a positive shockwave all at once resonating throughout your life, the world, and the universe. This is an ever present reminder that we are all connected. We are one. I AM the Presence unveiling my path to Mastery. I AM the positive change I want to see in the world. Happy Holidays!

Infinite blessings! ∞

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