Akashic Record Clearings

 Akashic Record Clearings

What are the Akashic Records?

Akashic or akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, space, ether, or soul and it encompasses all of the five classical elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether. What are our Akashic or Soul Records then? Simply stated it is the Book of Life or the Book as referred to in the Bible. It is a vast sea of knowledge, the all-encompassing moving, living, and evolving recorded aspect of the universe as a whole, including every soul, and every spiritual being, including the galaxies and universes. It is all that was, is, and ever will be. It is the universal mind or the Metaverse.

It contains our past or other lives, present life, and future lives. All that is contained in this living record is assessable to each bearer or individual or other being acting on the behalf of the bearer of the particular record.

Many will tell you that it is impossible to retrieve the information located the Akasha as they are no longer accessible. This simply is not true. People have accessed them since the beginning of what we call time until our present day.

What is important is that all is mutable. It is not written on a stone tablet forever irrevocable. The Godhead sends us out to have a physical experience of our choosing. Upon entering an incarnation, an individual may agree or make certain choices with Spirit that seemed to serve the soul at the time. As the soul evolves and these agreements or choices no longer serve the individual, they may be expunged or purged from the record to create a new plan based on all things positive for the new paradigm in which the being exists.

Science and Spirituality

This has been common knowledge among adepts for centuries. The concept of a God Particle, God stuff or the Force (which physicists like Michio Kaku agree) is what binds the universe together. Dr. Ervin Laszlo published, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, 2004. He theorizes that the "quantum vacuum” is the fundamental energy and information-carrying field that informs not just the current universe, but all universes past and present collectively, what is referred to as the Metaverse. Great contemporary minds like these are shepherding the information to the consciousness of the masses and making it seemingly mainstream.

How does this impact you? What are Akashic (Soul) Record Clearings?

We use a method to access the Akasha called Spiritual Response Therapy or SRT. This technique was developed by Rev. Robert E. Detzler. It is a transformational system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly identify and release discordant, patterns that limit the soul’s potential for joy and prosperity. These negative patterns or soul programs may have arisen from past or other lives and will be replaced with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs.

Unlike past life regressions, which identify the energies and do not necessarily clear them from the soul record, this work goes to the root of the problem and provides an exacting, powerful, and accurate way of changing the landscape of your inner and outer lives, enabling you to live more freely.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry clearing symbols are employed during each session. Sacred Geometry is Divine Universal Symbolic Language that is beyond words and resonates with our Spirit.  It has been used since time immemorial by cultures and civilizations on Earth and extending throughout the Metaverse. These symbols are variations on the circle, square, and triangle and are understood by our collective consciousness and or collective memory.  They are used for healing and conveying information across space and time, bypassing our analytic mind and any language barriers. Thus, removing and reprogramming supplanted negative patterns and blockages with positive ones that enable growth, transformation, and manifestation.

A typical session lasts around 3+ hours and is accompanied by other healing modalities. Session homework is provided in the form of channeled information, affirmations and or symbols to assist in the soul’s journey post session. For animal clearings, affirmations and or symbols are not typically provided.

Is Your Answer Yes to Any of These Questions? If so, we are here to help.

1. Do you want to reach your full potential and live a more joyous life?

2. Are you searching for spiritual and personal empowerment?

3. Would you like to begin to listen and trust your intuition, but need some guidance as to how?

4. Do you want to make conscious choices and exercise your free will?

5. Are you ready and willing to let go of the past and live in the now?

6. Are you willing to trade in negative patterns for infinite radiant love?

7. Are you ready to work with Angels and Ascended Masters of light? They are ready and waiting for you to ask for their intervention.

question man

Clearing Sessions

The initial session is performed via teleconference or Skype and is recorded and emailed to the client.

Each client creates a list of items that they would like to focus on as part of the intake process. Spirit will always take us where we need to go. Many other items surface during a session. All is in Divine Order. If you have been referred by another energy practitioner, you may also include their findings in your list of focus items.

For animal companion clearings a list may also be provided, but is not necessary.

This is not for the faint of heart. If you are ready, willing and honest and about wanting to clear limiting patterns and to effect change in your life; you are in the right place at the right time.

Clearing of the environment there are three areas that are addressed.

1. Geopathic Stress is the negative health effects on the body caused by geoelectromagnetic frequencies such as: toxic streams, fault lines, vortices, portals, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), radio frequencies (RFs), cell phone towers, radar, microwaves, and the discordant frequencies emitted by power plants and household appliances. This constant stress weakens the immune system. See Energy Harmonizers Section on Aulterra & Shuzi Products.

2. Negative energy or thought forms-Holding patterns of negative or low vibrational energy accumulate in a space or object until it is removed.

3. Emotional Imprints and or entities-On our spiritual evolutionary path, sometimes we get stuck. This is the same for all life forms; even those that have had or never had a physical body. They must be sent to the appropriate place for their evolution and be removed from the client’s space.

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule or reschedule a session, you may contact us at: 516-304-5146. The session fee is $250.00 USD. 

Infinite Blessings!

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